Under the fourteenth Amendment Every person born or naturlized in the united states has EQUAL protecion under the law. That includes people that you may disagree with. A "Law Of The Land" is no good if it only applies to "The right sort". Double standerds in all things are no good, but especially in matters of law and life. That being said even though I disagree with the lifestyle choice of homosexuals it is NOT my right to take away their's. They have the right to be miserably married just like the rest of us :).
Under the fourteenth Amendment Every person born or naturlized in the united states has EQUAL protecion under the law. That includes people that you may disagree with. A "Law Of The Land" is no good if it only applies to "The right sort". Double standerds in all things are no good, but especially in matters of law and life. That being said even though I disagree with the lifestyle choice of homosexuals it is NOT my right to take away their's. They have the right to be miserably married just like the rest of us :).