Monday, October 26, 2009

12th Amendment - Electoral College

The way the electoral college works is simple; which is not to say that it does so efficiently. Elections are held in each state, where people vote in the state they are registered in for the candidate of their choosing; who is on a list of those who are running for president. In these elections; with one being held in each and every state through out the US of A; the candidate who wins the state in question also gets all the electoral votes the state has. In all this it should be made clear that to get all the electoral votes the candidate need not do anymore then win the popular vote of the state in question. This meaning he or she need not have a 50% majority, as 35% of the vote might suffice or have a margin of victory over his closest rival of literally one vote, which on the lighter side of the argument might have come because he or she had one more son or daughter to vote for him or her. This system as history has already proven on two occasions does lend itself to the possibility that the person who wins the electoral college and by virtue of which becomes president to do so in spite of not necessarily winning the popular vote. This in a way making it that the will of the people was not really respected as the candidate most Americans voted for did not get to occupy the house on Pennsylvania avenue also known as the White House, not because enough people did not vote for him but because they did so in the wrong states.

1 comment:

  1. Wrong, pointless; tpo words that spring to mind when i think of the electoral college. Initially it was important because communication and information was such that an accurate opinion of the canidates could not be formed by the general populace. It prevented alot of poor canidates at the time. However, today their is alomost too much information and as of such the electoral should be struck down in favor of the popular vote. We should still keep the majority restriction, but the electoral college is outdate because the forfathers could not have imagined todays wide spread media distribution. I'm sure if they new then what we know now they would have put a limit on how long the electoral college would last.
