Monday, October 26, 2009

11th Amendment - Problem

The text of the Eleventh Amendment limits the power of federal courts to hear lawsuits against state governments brought by the citizens of another state or the citizens of a foreign country. The Supreme Court has also interpreted the Eleventh Amendment to bar federal courts from hearing lawsuits instituted by citizens of the state being sued and lawsuits initiated by the governments of foreign countries. For example, the state of New York could invoke the Eleventh Amendment to protect itself from being sued in federal court by its own residents, residents of another state, residents of a foreign country, or the government of a foreign country (Unknown author)

1 comment:

  1. This desicions was overturned but I thought it was important so I put it in anyway becuase it put's a glaring point on a certain subject; the government needs to be responsible to the people. Bringing suit against damages caused by your own state government is an important right and should not be infringed. I agree with the other to points to the amendment with certain exceptions.
