Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2nd Amendment-Discussion

Safety or Freedom, throughout years of our relatively young nation this has been the big choice especially in times of war. Do you want to be safe from the Japs or would you rather Japanese immigrants walk free? Do you want to be safe from the Dirty Reds or do you want the ability to speak openly about your beliefs? In almost every scenario they use some intimidating figure to scare us into wanting to give up a little more. In WWII they imprisoned Japanese Americans several generations removed from setting foot on Japan into prison camps. In the cold war days when the soviet union was a threat to the U.S a special agency hunted down suspected "Red sympathizers" and black-balled them and/or chased them from the country. I bring this up because these are obvious now as things that shouldn't have happened. Rights we shouldn't have given up for even a moment. Losing the ability to freely purchase firearms could very well be the next thing the people regret. There going through all the regular steps: Number 1 paint a intimidating villain e.g robbers, school-shootings, gang violence. Number 2 give a solution that takes away freedoms and make it an either or choice so that you seem heartless to choose the freedom e.g Ban guns because those evil devices are what are causing all this pain. In a perfect world you take away guns everyone except the government has them so crime is practically gone. However we do not yet live in a perfect world and even if crime was gone we would have an even worse villain, an Unchallenged Governing Force. There is a syndrome called ???????? that says that when 2 or more people from identical origins arrive in a position in which one group is in seemingly absolute power (e.g Prison guards) and a seemingly powerless group (e.g Prisoners) There becomes a definite urge for the first group to abuse that power in the expense of the other. Couple that with the feeling of anonymity and the urge becomes almost manic. To finish I'm not saying that I think the government will turn and we will need guns to defend ourselves. I'm saying we need guns to remind the government that we are not powerless so that we don't have to defend ourselves like our forefathers. Even though it seems heartless I will tolerate the school shootings, gang violence, and all the robberies at gunpoint for that reason because if we ban the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms it could very well be the first nail in the coffin of our beloved country.

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